Service Catalog integration has been removed from kubeapps 2.0.0
we used it to share different service on differents K8S and on Cloudfoundry
Do you plan to add it again ?
is it possible to have a look at some examples of inconsistent method names found and corrected by the approach? In the paper "Learning to Spot and Refactor Inconsistent Method Names" you de…
the wiki page for "Spring Boot for Apache Geode and Pivotal GemFire Version Compatibility Matrix" is not up to date. It shows 1.3.9.SNAPSHOT on the row for 1.12 geode (the version we need) but start.…
I am not sure why, but it looks like the `rename` in `schemaZip` avoids the duplicate zip entries deprecation fixed in other projects.
These deprecations remain.
> Configure project :
The …
Client App is using multiple threads to modify the same object concurrently in the same region (replicated region in this case) with transaction. When the second transaction fails, the transaction rol…
Currently, when using the `@EnableClusterAware` annotation, it is not trivial to determine if SBDG has connected to the source (cluster) the user is expecting.
To improve the user experience it wou…
Client App is using multiple threads to modify the same object concurrently in the same region (replicated region in this case) with transaction. When the second transaction fails, the transaction rol…
For example, go to https://spring.io/guides/gs/accessing-data-gemfire/ and click on…
Adding this starter in an empty Spring Boot application alters the standard logging format, e.g. using `1.1.0.M3`:
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