### 问题描述
使用小程序插件命令编译后,在微信开发者工具中打开提示未找到入口 plugin.json 文件
需按照编译生成的文件目录层级将project.config.json中"pluginRoot": "plugin/"
修改为"pluginRoot": "miniprogram/miniprogram/plug…
- cocos2d-x version:3.7.1
- devices test on:ios 8.0
- developing environments mac osx
- NDK version:
- Xcode version:6.4
- VS version:
- browser type and version:
Steps to Reprodu…
1. 全局提示框如何实现单例?
2. (可选)如果不是单例形态,出现多次提示交互如何考虑?总不能一直无限弹出吧。
3. 自定义表单渲染实现原理描述,配图说明。有哪些可拓展的部分
4. 自定义表单面向开发人员还是业务人员?是否计划配套搭建工具?背后的业务思考是什么?
5. 拓展上一次问答第5题,先转变一个看法,将native视作一个能力提供方,或简单假设为高级浏览器。那么在此基…
### 相关平台
React Native
**使用框架: React**
### 复现步骤
Deprecated: This library will no longer be available from SDK 51. We recommend using expo-camera which has barcode scanning built-in inst…
I checkout `hdf5plugin` tag `v4.1.3` and compiled it with all optimizations upto `AVX2`. The python code below shows that Blosc2 is 2.8x slower than Blosc (I am running both compressors on a single t…
- 你当前是什么框架(必填):uniapp
- 你使用的是哪个包(必填):npm install @lucky-canvas/uni@latest
- 你当前插件的版本(必填):0.0.10
- 当前环境是小程序还是浏览器(选填):
uni-app vue3编译到小程序
- 详细描述你的bug:
See HDF5 Docs: [https://docs.hdfgroup.org/hdf5/v1_10/_f_m_t3.html#Btrees:~:text=III.A.2.%20Disk%20Format%3A%20Level%201A2%20%2D%20Version%202%20B%2Dtrees](https://docs.hdfgroup.org/hdf5/v1_10/_f_m_t3.…
**Describe the bug**
A variable or attribute defined by `IO::DefineVariable()` / `IO::DefineAttribute()` will be converted to ADIOS2 types `int8_t` or `uint8_t` at least in engines SST and BP4. Thi…
right now I have to read it into a temporary float buffer
vector buf(nrow * ncol);
query.set_buffer("mat", buf);
Then manually copy over to the double buffer
arma::Mat data(n…