Now all our notification module doesn`t work.
We need to make again.
If I am a new Hastic developer, the I can`t understand how to run analytic's tests in our project. We need to describe this part somewhere.
When server already started learning / prediction task and you delete anomaly - it doesn't know about this fact and continue doing the task => you have to wait for it to finish before it starts analys…
I believe that analytics should know about how extract data. It is server responsibility.
We need to send data for initial learning and then data about new data from datasource.
There are many …
I'm getting this unexpected error while adding an analytic unit. I'm using Grafana 5.3.1
I see this error when just load hastic panel in my Grafana instance. I need to check version
Currently all analytic units have a `panelUrl` field (which contains dashboard and panel id)
But we're storing the whole URL
And it can break persistence while moving Grafana instance to another hos…
When hastic-server is down, panel would start to show "Unexpected error" trying to get new chunk of data
There is a config for debug launching in `analytics/.vscode/launch.json`. Lets add configuration with tests.
I think when we collect bugreports from users if would be nice to have basic Info about hastic environement.
So I would get:
* hastic-panel version
* grafana version
* hastic-server version
* …