Codes and Airports / Locations are provided in
> 🔗 Upload or paste a link to the CSL file(s) that you want me to add.
> ⚠️ I need you to provide the files, a…
> 🔗 Upload or paste a link to the CSL file(s) that you want me to add.
> ⚠️ I need you to provide the files, as I do not make them myself.
> 🛑 You grant me a license to redistribute the files,…
## Feature description
I think there should be an option to integrate certificates, passes and other cards directly in Apple Wallet, so this documents could be accessed in one central App and the…
The attached bufr message [mode-s.zip](https://github.com/ARPA-SIMC/wreport/files/7594812/mode-s.zip), presumably correct, a "MODE S" (new kind of aircraft report), shows decoding errors with `wrep`:
> 🔗 Upload or paste a link to the CSL file(s) that you want me to add.
> ⚠️ I need you to provide the files, as I do not make them myself.
> 🛑 You grant me a license to redistribute the files,…
Change instances of IATA to ICAO, since app is using 4 letter aerodrome codes.
Insert a new column next to the ICAO (tag3) column and use the information from this ICAO column to pass to a variable and use this to create a link to a file (files probably best stored within the co…
The X-Plane 11 FMS format is incorrectly exported. The documentation for the FMS format is discussed here: https://developer.x-plane.com/article/flightplan-files-v11-fms-file-format/
It would seem…
Script codes must be ISO 15924 codes.
Language codes must be ISO 639-X codes. Each code should be namespaced to the actual standard number.
Filename must be made of pattern `{authority-code}-{la…