Hi, I am looking for a sample code of a node classification task that does inference for an unseen node X. X doesn't exist at training time.
the unseen node X will be connected with a subset of seen …
Not sure how best to implement this.
Note: the issue was created automatically with bugzilla2github tool
Original bug ID: BZ#2805
From: AUGER Cédric <>
Reported version: unspecified
#### Version
#### Description of the problem
In trying to answer https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51029234/a-simple-case-of-universe-inconsistency, I found that I couldn't quite unde…
Consider the following code
Record foofoofoo : Type := { barbarbar : nat }.
The type `foofoofoo` is available in completions later in the file, but the field `barbarbar` is not.
The problem…
## 一言でいうと
### 論文リンク
induction タクティクを使用したときにたまに起こるエラー。そもそも何を言っているのか?
theorem while_congr {B : State → Prop} {c c' : Stmt} {s t : State} (h : c ≈ c') (h_while : (whileDo B c, s) ==> t) :
(whileDo B c', s) …
The first line of text has a typo: "iCircles (short for Inductive Cirles)" should be "iCircles (short for Inductive Circles)". I can fix at some point, but if it's easy for someone else to do it...
A content ERROR was logged by "a user" at the following url:
## The issue as described by the user:
dom is lo…
Inductive sEq {A} x : A -> SProp := sEq_refl : sEq x x.
Lemma sEq_sym {A} {x y : A} (e : sEq x y) : sEq y x.
rewrite e.
This fails as rewrite tries to define `internal_sE…