I used Http get connection and filled Http URI in integration > connection
but i…
Jira issue originally created by user starksm64:
In 1.1.1 Mailing Lists, lines 202-214 of the http://java.net/projects/jsr348/downloads/download/Working%20documents/JCP%20NEXT%202.8-10AUG2011-Clean.p…
Do this: (note that I don't know if it has to be Solaris/JDK7 - that's what I happened to use)
0) On JDK7 and Solaris 10
1) Install the latest (b05) of OGS
We have a very simple application. All it does is read KVs from Consul. During SSL handshake, the client fails to send the client certificate resulting in bad certificate error. What we found was that…
Jira issue originally created by user starksm64:
In 1.1.1 Mailing Lists, lines 202-214 of the http://java.net/projects/jsr348/downloads/download/Working%20documents/JCP%20NEXT%202.8-10AUG2011-Clean.p…
I tried to do install habpanel user interface in eclipse smart home. What I did that put the habpanel jar file into target/assembly/deploy folder in project folder. I download and compiled pr…
I have tried running the jsr109 test after using the new bits given below,
deployment works fine i see no error in server log but test execution fails with
soap fault.
configurtion used
I'm receiving the following page when I try to access localhost:8080 with java -jar target/joinfaces-example-2.3.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
Whitelabel Error Page
This application has no explicit mappi…
#### Comment too long. Imported partially
OS: Ubuntu 10.04
GlassFish: 3.0.1
JAVA: 1.6.0_20
NetBeans: 6.9
Spring Framework: 3.0.3
Sample Code