I would like to ask if this spark-operator supports Mutating Admission Webhooks similar to what the Google Cloud Platform's Spark Operator has in here: -
Currently in this repo we're running tests via Maven:
`./build/mvn clean test -Pmesos -Pyarn -Phadoop-2.7 -Pkubernetes -pl…
Command is
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
--deploy-mode client \
--name analytics-zoo-ncf \
--conf spark.executor.instances=$RUNTIME_EXECUTO…
Startup time is very important for @justinuang on an internal application. Our target time: 10sec between spark-submit and job running in k8s.
Current analysis:
- scenario:
- SparkPi startup
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### Search before asking
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Just had a spark application that connects to some streaming service and consumes data, but the sparkapplication is stuck without sate for a too long time?
Parallel to `spark.driver.extraJavaOptions` introduced by https://github.com/apache-spark-on-k8s/spark/pull/48
Use case: I'd like to make sure executors fail fast when OOM'ing via `-XX+CrashOnOutOf…
- Spark operator 적용 시험
- RKE 환경구성: #5
1. helm repo 등록
helm repo add spark-operator https://googlecloudplatform.github.io/spark-on-k8s-operator
2. Operator 설치
How do you connect to spark on kubernetes through client mode. I have tried the following code:
I am currently using kata 3.2 version. When I use the official kata to start the container, I can see that there is `systemd.mask=systemd-networkd.service` in the append parameter of the qemu command.…