I am following the simple instructions but run into an issue with the docker build.
Thanks for any assistance!
```=> ERROR [31/66] RUN Rscript -e 'remotes::install_version("knitr",up…
**Steps to reproduce:**
* Switch to an R package project.
* Create a package vignette or Rmd file.
* Knit the Rmd file and leave it open.
* Go to the build pane and click `Install and Restart`.
### Bug description
When using the `filename` argument within an ojs code block, the ojs filename is not added.
### Bug description
Given a main qmd document `test.qmd`, when specifying the params externally in a `params.yml` file and trying the `quarto render test.qmd --execute-params params.yaml` the paramet…
There is issue with installing 'knitr'. The same, a lot has been said at https://community.rstudio.com/t/knitr-package-install-issues-error-invalid-version-specification-na/14630/19
I know, not pro…
Every few runs of the github actions workflow results in an error where the runner complains that `rmarkdown` and `knitr` aren't installed.
More and more R users are using Quarto (`.qmd`) files instead of R Markdown (`.Rmd`) files because they have a lot of nice built in functionality that takes more effort to layer on in `.Rmd`. As such,…
> use_git()
✔ Setting active project to "/Users/hadleywickham/Desktop/knitr-error".
✔ Initialising Git repo.
✔ Adding ".Rhistory", ".Rdata", ".httr-oauth", ".DS_Store", and ".quarto" to
Update the following URL to point to the GitHub repository of
the package you wish to submit to _Bioconductor_
- Repository: https://github.com/hpages/h5mread
Confirm the following by editing e…
I see the 'knitr' package is listed under `suggests`, but when installing from source I get:
> install.packages("expss")
Installing package into ‘/home/tom/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.2’