I thought I might make this issue for future reference, or for someone else who encounters this, though I admit I don't have either a fix yet.
I'm not able to get `quartodoc` to load my package on…
Current numpy easyblock is a child of fortranpythonpackage and this one wants to run "python setup.py build" to build it. Newer numpy comes without setup.py and seems to be using meson build system. T…
At the moment to build, it's gcc a single file, but we will eventually split into multiple files where we will need a build tool like meson
If the Meson LSP doesn't do that already?
It doesn't build for aarch64 Linux, yet.
These build backends are likely to have a more complicated use-case, such as needing to generate their own SBOMs instead of only forwarding along SBOM documents specified in pyproject.toml.
* [ ] M…
## Step 1: Build embedded dependencies with Meson
For the embedded 3rdparty deps that are git submodules, I am creating forks into my own GitHub account and working on Meson builds for each. Non-gi…
I am overhauling GEGL's current LibRaw based RAW decoder and switching it over to Rawspeed. Unfortunately, having CMake as the only build system is causing some pain. Having Rawspeed support the [Meso…
Does anyone have a meson.build file for arpack-ng?
If so, it it were included in mainline, it would make it very easy to include arpack-ng as a subproject in a Meson project. E.g.: https://mesonbui…
It appears that having:
install = ['--skip-subprojects nanoarrow']
is a no-op. To actually skip the subproject, I have to use:
Hi! First of all, I'm impressed with your work, great job :D
As you know systemd upstream uses Meson. Why did you choose to replace it with CMake instead? Does it have some issues that make it a ba…