I used springwebflux + r2dbc-mysql to build the web project. In my tests, I found that most database operations were always performed in the same thread, resulting in 80% cpu load on that thread. I ch…
**Describe the bug**
Please provide details of the problem, including the version of Spring Cloud that you
are using.
HTTP cloud function V2 does not inject trace on function retry
request th…
We wanted to ask if its possible to include net.ttddyy.observation:datasource-micrometer-spring-boot:1.0.3 in spring boot starters ?
## What problem are you trying to solve?
> the Change*Dependency… recipes are specifically for changing to a different dependency (as the name implies, doh!). The fact that it has a newVersion parame…
**Describe the issue**
GraalVM CE 22.3.0 will fail to build a native image when executed inside a Docker container and the host machine uses Apple Silicon.
**Steps to reproduce the issue**
Making Spring Security's actions observable at runtime will help make applications more secure. Following [recommendations from OWASP](https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Logging_Cheat_Shee…
I want to express my gratitude for your exceptional work. I’ve encountered a few issues. I have an RGB-D paired dataset at hand, but the depth unit is in millimeters or even smaller, micrometer…
Exposing Health Checks over MP Metrics would provide recordation, audit & statistics as among the freebie use-cases that are met by such an integration.
On the flip side, deriving Health Checks fro…
After upgrading to v0.10.0, i can't make kafka metrics work anymore.
See the stacktrace
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: UNTYPED
at io.micrometer.prometheus.PrometheusMeterRegist…
- https://quarkus.io/guides/smallrye-metrics
- https://quarkus.io/guides/telemetry-micrometer
- https://checkmk.com