本地编译时,选择架构平台时没有 NanoPi R5S 的可选项,麻烦添加一下下哈!
NanoPi R2S ,分支: 23.05.0-rc2,内核: 5.15.118。OpenWrt 07.08.2023 by Kiddin' / LuCI Master git-24.187.45783-f4d27bb。wan口无法识别
Will this work on Nano PI Duo2 on Linux NanoPi-Duo2 3.4.39-h3 Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS ?
My kernel dont have /dev/media0 device.
wlan0 not being recognized. "ip -a" returns only lo, wan0 and lan0.
Device: FriendlyARM NanoPi R2S
Openwrt version: 21.02
kmod-usb-net-rtl8152 version: 5.4.143-1
Under load the rtl8152 usb->ethernet controller periodically resets, resulting in los…
An easy way to avoid stuff like #1010 would be to have it check that the board_id matches the filename. This will probably need some valid exceptions added like unknown though. Also, this would need t…
I am unable to apply the patches created from the "Extracting the NanoPi specific patches" as they all fail. More generally can you explain how you found the commit in the following step?
# Fi…
ghost updated
2 years ago
![截图 2024-02-01 17-09-43](https://github.com/rockchip-linux/rknpu2/assets/35166147/8e7ffbff-a53e-4831-bc1c-abbc8b530ff3)
**Devices**: Friendlyship NanoPC-T6-LTS (RK3588)
**RKNPU2 Version**: 1.6.…
Hal-D updated
3 months ago
Price for Fire3 about equivalent PRI3, but fire 3 is fast:
Once you put the R1 inside its metallic case, you no longer have access to the debug uart. Only UART1 near the Antenna connector is visible. Need to find out if UART1 can be used as debug uart.