Need to add new version to hex (currently at 0.1.4, need to upgrade to 0.1.5 build).
Subscribe("some", func(m *Msg) {
Publish(m.Reply, data)
Request("some", data, 1000 * time.Millisecond)
**NOT OK**
Subscribe("some", myhandler)
func myhan…
When the stream server is restarted, the client calls the reconnect callback but times out in publishing the message.
I've briefly gone through the open/closed issues with the keyword "reconnect". Bu…
Firstly Nats is great. :)
Secondly, I write http services that also communicate via nats internally.
Since the http lib already has a standard way to register handlers it would, for my part, m…
Kalispera sas,imoyn sto meetuo stis 29/10, thelw na rwtisw gia to thessrb poy legame kai tin istoselida pws peripoy tin theloyme ? yparxei kapoia idea? eidalws molis vrw xrono tha ftiaksw kati kai tha…
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