Perhaps not the correct place to share this information, but nice to hear anyway!
I still had some ESP8266 NodeMCU's laying around that I wanted to designate to this task.
But.. as you already su…
ich habe diesen ESP32
ESP32 Entwicklungsplatine NodeMCU Module: ESP32 Typ C NodeMCU Development Board, ESP-WROOM-32, 2.4GHz Dual-Mode WiFi + Bluetooth Dual Cores Microcontroller Integrated, CH340C…
I'm trying to get the CBUS_empty_ESP8266_test_v1 test working but I'm not having much success. I'm running it on a NodeMCU (ESP8266) board, with an MCP2515 connected via SPI.
I've imported t…
If the train is powered on for a certain time, the NodeMCU is not available via MQTT anymore as it drops out form WiFi. This can happen after an hour, after a couple of hours, sometimes not at all thr…
When I use the example code on the library:
import mcp, machine
#To test that the mcp is there
i2c = machine.I2C(scl=machine.Pin(13), sda=machine.Pin(12))
address = hex(i2c.scan()[0])
Thank you very much for this.
I got this error when compiling:
WARNING The selected ESP-IDF framework version is not the recommended one. If there are connectivity or build issues please remo…
I kept geting this error for my board Nodemcu esp8266
it's connected to internet and i can get my ip address
Board manager : V 2.7.4
Finger print latest : 1C:C3:20:B8:A7:06:2E:F3:52:C8:D2:3C:76:A8…
How i fix this error ?
help me please with example
you can test with this
#define FIREBASE_HOST "tmm-control-default-rtdb.firebaseio.com"
#define FIREBASE_AUTH "UMSoNu2cGNM1Nmzbpv7B5…
Trion updated
3 years ago
One thing I wish the v1.1 breakout board had is compatibility with ESP32. Although there seem to be a few incompatible development boards available for the ESP32 (36 pins), there's one made by DOIT th…
# Setup:
## Client
- NodeMCU Board
- TSL2591 sensor: Adafruit
## Broker
- Lenovo ThinkPad X61 ~2006
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- Mosquitto: MQTT v3.1