i tried many times still getting this error...
**{success: false}**
my option parameters are as follows:-
# Bug Report
## User Story
As a user, I want to enable a PayUMoney as payment gateway so that the new user's onboarding with Give can be better UX.
**Note:** This issue was noticed during the D…
Android resource linking failed
C:\Users\quaere 4\.gradle\caches\transforms-2\files-2.1\f547fec302ae04c995f0f9e3e7cb6223\jetified-magicretry-1.0.6\res\layout-v11\magicretry_fragment.xml:121: AAPT: er…
### Preconditions (*)
1. Magento v2.1.7
2. Products should be added in the cart
3. Payment Gateway that accepts online transaction
### Steps to reproduce (*)
1. Add products to cart
This library already has android support that is tested and working. To make it a **complete** react-native library, it would be awesome if the missing iOS support is also added.
Just the right wra…
Trying the app on a Android One Real device and on a Emulator, Android 9 API_28
Here is the log from android studio
2019-08-20 06:03:0…
test url for payUmoney is https://sandboxsecure.payu.in/_payment
in package i found https://test.payu.in/_payment
when i change the url because of i am using with composer so not able to change dir…
I think this issue is related to compatibility with RN 0.57
Iam using React native 0.57.4
Gradle - 3.1.4
react - 16.6.0-alpha.8af6728
Please provide support for RN 0.57
I am getting this er…
So, my test + live Merchant key & salt is identically same,
Payu payment interface does open while using sandbox: false,
when using sandbox: false it closes with Some error occurred toast
Is it possible to implement paypal, razorpay and payumoney payment gateway implementation using expo?
Please give me knowledge about this thing....Thanks in advance