Hey Scrap!
Now that I have been getting some experience with PCB design I have been venturing into different projects and planning out designs I have thought of over the years. I have had some ide…
We are planning to apply to Google Summer of Code; let's brainstorm projects that might be interesting! I'll start with a few and can update as ideas come in:
- Language bindings for Wasmtime engin…
Please use the link https://github.com/projectvikram/projectvikram.github.io/issues/new/choose
To log your project ideas for Project VIKRAM
My lab has been using the cual-id system for our barcodes for 2 large projects. It has worked great for us. Having made over 800 barcodes and working with them on a daily basis, we have noticed 2 thin…
Each user should be able to create multiple "Brainstorm" to group ideas and let people vote
### Discussed in https://github.com/modelscope/modelscope-agent/discussions/343
Originally posted by **zzhangpurdue** March 15, 2024
We are very glad to announce that modelscope-agent and the…
### Describe the issue
Please redirect me if I'm in the wrong place with this -
Attachments (Photos/PDFs) create on Qfield mobile app persist locally and cannot be deleted, even if the associated …
We've just found out about the Google Summer of Docs application process which closes on April 2nd 2024. [More info](https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/docs/get-started).
Quite a tight tu…
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