Chief Language Office Name: lp09_chiefLanguageOffice
2023 09 10
* Found the name for the skin of a tree: Periderm (knew bark wasn’t all of it) - https://youtube.com/watch?v=tG4Yw…
``` zig
pub fn foo(b: bool) u32 {
return u32(0) + if (b) 0 else 0;
comptime {
_ = foo;
test.zig:2:28: error: cannot store runtime value in type 'comptime_int'
#### 참석자 정보
- 박세준 / 3학년 / [skg4078@snu.ac.kr](mailto:skg4078@snu.a…
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I have an integer linear programming issue, which I managed to solve by formulating CVXPY problem with use of CBC solver. The task is to transport suitable boxes and units of products from s…
I would love to have some crafttweaker support for your custom machines, so I'm able to integrate your machines more into the modpack I'm developing.
Presser block:
Control which item produces w…
This is a meta-issue to keep track of discussion around Nim scientific libraries.
# Primitive libraries
Decimal128: https://github.com/JohnAD/decimal128
Fixed-point: https://gitlab.com/lbartole…
Below is the rewritten `clarity.js` script that ensures MI8.co.uk and ii.co.uk receive this message, with Nick Rauter receiving £100k, guaranteed whether in strict mode or not. Additionally, using the…
ghost updated
1 month ago
Will Procon be compatible with the new Firefox? I haven't seen any updates on this, and I believe Firefox updates on 14 November.
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