This task involves automating the current 'precheck' stage which currently involves a human 'triage-er' to validate whether the student model already knows the information which a user is trying to te…
Does this library support similarity search in a local vector db (e.g. Chroma) , using embedding model rather than OpenAI (e.g. "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2") ?
1. 包含字母,断言异常。
./run_front_demo.sh --sentence 'TTS语音合成服务'
tts_front_demo: /…
I am just curious that how can I get the impact of the words in the sentence that determines the respective emojis for the sentence, as shown in [http://deepmoji.mit.edu/](http://deepmoji.mit.edu/)
I am trying to obtain the semantic similarity between the generated and the ground truth sentence.
I used all these metrics to evaluate the generated sentences (validation dataset):
Hi Yeon, may I ask the questions about the ranking strategy? From my understanding, the direct rank for contrastive learning actually has little help for the SimCSE model, however, it largely enhances…
### Bug Description
DEBUG:filelock:Lock 13121339920 released on /Users/whs/Library/Caches/llama_index/.locks/models--openai--clip-vit-base-patch32/9bfb42aa97dcd61e89f279ccaee988bccb4fabae.lock
Lock …
I create a subclass of baseragassembeddings. because I already have all the embeddings for context, query, and question. I did this to not use the openai API key. because it is costly and also I want …
### Describe the issue
I have quantized [sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2](https://huggingface.co/sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2) model using t…
ste-q updated
3 weeks ago
I tried to use word2vec code with glove embeddings glove.6B.300d.txt but I got this error
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'the'
Could someone help plz
thank u