Es decir, estaría bueno que los alumnos pudieran diferenciar cuál usar.
Hello, and thanks for the app (even though, I didn't have a chance to enjoyed it yet)!
I tried to clone a repo from the private server via SSH, using a key, generated inside the app (Settings -> SS…
How to reproduce:
1. Open some URL in browser (for example https://github.com/maks/MGit) an choice MGit in application selector.
2. Repository automatically cloned.
3. Open URL with the same end in…
I am consistently unable to clone repos over ssh from my gitea server. If I use a key generated on a computer and imported to mgit, it works fine on computer but fails with mgit.
I tried to build on Mac OS X, but I get this error when running `python3 setup.py`:
ERROR: /private/var/tmp/_bazel_cj/de96de179f580494f32631716f8b8a5c/external/org_tensorflow/tensorflow/core/B…
Cuando cierro la vista de Git y empiezo a abrir archivos tira el error: Widget is disposed.
![Peek 2019-03-23 17-05](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4098184/54871261-0ec60a80-4d90-11e9-95…
mGit worked for a while, but today decided to stop working.
This is after updating to LineageOS 14.1-20170804 (Android 7.1.2), before, I had some July version running.
Not sure if the upda…
It has conflict with its remote, but it doesn't show conflect files on status panel or anywhere, just an exception.
STACK_TRACE=org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.CheckoutConflictException: Checkout …
mgit on android 10 from f-droid.
The first repository I cloned went perfectly. I installed the ssh keypair, gave the URL to the remote server, the clone happened, everything worked.
STACK_TRACE=android.os.FileUriExposedException: file:///storage/emulated/0/Andro…