Hey - I've accidentally messed up my Appfile and I didn't have a previous version commited.
Can someone give me the template of the appfile with the app ide, bundle etc. so I can set my values and ca…
As the very descriptive title suggests, when a Markdown Formatting Symbol has been registered, a double space in empty `SLKTextView` results in a `NSRangeException`
To reproduce:
- Add `pod 'SlackTex…
I run into this problem pretty frequently. (Screenshot attached)
It happens 25% of the time, where upon returning to the app, the keyboard is dismissed but the view textInputBar is not reset.
I am r…
Using Xcode 7 Beta 5, Swift 2.0 and fastlane 1.19.0 our generated .ipa file size has increased from 9.8 MB to 60 MB.
Picking the archive produced by fastlane in Xcode Organizer and exporting for enter…
- [x] I've read and understood the [*CONTRIBUTING guidelines and have done my best effort to follow](https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
# Report
## What did you do?
When I run fastlane lane for submitting to internal beta testers(iOS), I'm getting this problem: `Couldn't download certificate, got this instead: HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed`
My lane script is pretty…
@dzenbot Recently you fixed a bug which make it impossible to hide bottom bar on push.
The original issue which is fixed now:
For some reason the header files are not being linked in the update when installing the SlackTextViewController with Cocoapods.
I am using Slack Text View Controller inside essentially a scroll view and its not liking it. I'm using this library https://github.com/maxep/MXSegmentedPager which handles vanilla collection and tabl…
This library was working fine 3 months before and we can dismiss the keyboard interactively like iMessages or any other messing app. But new updates keyboard dismiss as I scroll down the messages a li…