For Sentry
# Frontend
The frontend runs using the phaser game engine. However, before the game engine is loaded a basic html page for the login is displayed for the user to enter their credentials.
# Backend…
## Description
Something that is perhaps a bug, but definitely isn't documented, is that Mongock does not throw an exception if two of more change units/logs share the same `order` string value. I …
I got the "Elasticsearch version 6 or more is required" when I wanted to use OpenSearch. Is there any plan to support OpenSearch directly?
- ユーザーテーブル (users)
- ESテーブル (entry_sheets)
- 質問テーブル (questions)
Spring Boot公式にMySQLでのデータベースの扱い方( [MySQL データアクセス](https://spring.pleiades.io/guides/gs/accessing-data-…
### Description
1. 从事中后台WEB 系统开发,开发可重用的代码和库以便日后使用;
2. 对现有产品进行迭代,定制开发及维护,提升产品性能、体验;
3. 调用基础模块,快速完成业务api 开发
4. 构建相关API 文档
5. 参与项目需求分析、梳理及设计。模块分解、开发、技术文档编写等工作
6. 参与现有服务的性能/代码质量调优、bug 处理
7. 部分信息采集任…
##### 版本号:
##### 问题描述:
##### 错误日志&截图:
##### 重现步骤:
#### 友情提示(为了提高issue处理效率):
- 积木报表是一款免费报表产品,功能免费源码不开放;
- 未按格式要求发帖,会被直接删掉;
- 请针对问题提供[[报表设计配置或SQL脚本]](https://help.jeecg.com/…
### Description
Let's suppose I have a Jenkins pipeline pipeline with two stages deploy-staging and deploy-pro. `sh "./mvnw fabric8:resource"` generates a kubernetes.yaml file with this number of rep…