pkg/ccl/testccl/workload/schemachange/schemachange_test.TestWorkload [failed](https://tanzanite.cluster.engflow.com/invocations/default/3d7babf9-c4db-4441-b198-9f40d974c00c?testReportRun=20&testReport…
setting sql in this box can cause unwanted sideeffects:
especially when adding statements after the ta…
**Describe the bug**
Source data is the Sakila dataset: https://github.com/jOOQ/sakila/blob/main/sqlite-sakila-db/sqlite-sakila-schema.sql
**To Reproduce**
# sqlitr2 --create ./data.db
### What feature do you want to see added?
Want to increase It can be controlled by parameters whether to print or by default printing, so that the executed SQL statements can be seen in the build …
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
Currently, for `PreparedStatement` the recorded SQL statement will be the parameterized SQL statement that was used i.e.
Try to install Process Manager from dev-master using Pimcore 11.3.2.
When executing migrations, it throws an exception:
> [warning] Migration Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\Migrations\Ver…
My request is rather a niche one, so I can see how this may not be desired.
I need an "escape hatch" and run some SQL _before_ the role is created.
O `BasePostgresHook` herda do `PostgresHook` ([doc](https://airflow.apache.org/docs/apache-airflow/1.10.6/_modules/airflow/hooks/postgres_hook.html#PostgresHook)) que, por sua vez, herda do `DbApiHook…
The code that accounts for memory taken up by prepared statements is apparently broken. In the following line we immediately release the memory as soon as the prepared statement is created:
## Translation:
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
Currently, there is no support for prepared statements. Because of this, SQL injections are possible and it is in…