Is there a way to stretch/shrink arrows after you've placed them?
With vimtex expression folding, the command in the preamble of a TeX file
``` tex
causes everyt…
I use the [tex-syntax plugin](https://github.com/vim-scripts/tex-syntax) that allows me to define new math environment with for instance
`let g:tex_math_envs='tikzcd'`
in my `.vimrc`
The syntax is th…
In ``plasTeX/__init__.py`` there is a list ``charsubs`` of "Character sequences that should be replaced by unicode". Under what circumstances is this list used? It sometimes get into my way but it's n…
He empezado un post sobre teoría de categorías y no estoy seguro de cómo dibujar los diagramas conmutativos. Mi primera idea era crearlos en LaTeX con [tikz-cd](https://www.ctan.org/pkg/tikz-cd) e ins…
Would it be worthwile to convert all the `xy`-diagrams to `tikzcd`-diagrams? Most of them look ok currently but the long exact sequences could be typeset much better, as in this tex.stackexchange answ…