#### Description
When training RandomForestClassifier using 10 trees on wine dataset.
The path of the last tree gets to the wrong leaf.
The reason is when comparing the threshold to the actual va…
- [x] Section 0: Install Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook
- [x] Section 1: Regression
- [x] Boston Housing EDA
- [x] Do coding for Linear Regression using sk-learn
- [x] Answer this: How Line…
- [x] Section 0: Install Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook
- [x] Section 1: Regression
- [x] Boston Housing EDA
- [x] Do coding for Linear Regression using sk-learn
- [x] Answer this: How Line…
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn import tree
from sklearn.externals.six import StringIO
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
Hi, I posted a comment in your Medium article, thanks for you work!
I am trying to make your script work for other models such as `sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier` and `sklearn.ensemble.Random…
I was playing around with the parameters for the Random Forest example from #6 and somehow triggered a sanity check in `AbstractVectorThresholdMaximumGainLearner` that probably should not be triggerab…
Zero3 updated
9 years ago
*New parameter for AutoML:* {{mode}}
*Motivation:* We need to be able to compete more strongly in competitions, however some of the techniques we’d do when competing on the basis of model accuracy, a…
- [ ] Apply at least four different learning algorithms (from different major groups: Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks, Nearest Neighbor Classifiers, Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, Generalized L…
how to solve it?
YePG updated
9 months ago
Hi, I found that for regression algorithm in apply_forest function (mean) the labels type **_T_** of model should be exact Float64:
function apply_forest(forest::Ensemble{S, T}, features:…