This project has ReactJS trufflebox on the frontend.
All JS and HTML files are already there.
Hook JS functions with contract and parse user input.
This means figuring out our own build for the front-end `webserver` side of things.
To give some info on the issue - tuffle v3 is not backward compatible with v2 mainly because they dropped the def…
Hi, could you please point out if this is my misunderstanding or if something is causing this issue on your side?
Attaching the error message.
$ truffle unbox optimism
This directory is n…
When I run "truffle push" from truffle directory I get this error, but the directory build/contracts exists and the .json files are there.
# tenderly push --debug
Setting up your project...
when reassigning a variable called `test` in the console, truffle mistakenly runs `truffle test`
- Make sure to have truffle 5.x installed: `npm install -g truffle@next`
- Then change `truffle-config.js` to point to the RPC endpoint
- Then use `tr…
How can I use web3-event-compatibility with truffle drizzle?
truffleruby 24.1.1, like ruby 3.2.4, Oracle GraalVM Native [x86_64-linux]
Rails 7.1.x app
Just for kicks, tried deploying one of our smaller Rails apps to use truffleruby on a Ubuntu image.
I see this error being reported here: https://github.com/MetaMask/provider-engine/issues/178, but I don't see people have this issue with the HDWalletProvider.
truffle migrate --network rinkeb…
Follow the tutorial from github
$ sh startBlockchain.sh
$ truffle migrate --network distribution
$ python scripts/clean.py
$ cd jsLib
$ jest deployment
$ jest token
$ jest rebase
$ jest …