Have created an enhancement to aid communication on this one.
There's three different 'types' of structural parts in the game - nose cones, adapters, and fuselage. They all have their own tech limits…
Originally Posted by orcman : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70676-WIP-Procedural-Parts-The-next-phase-of-Stretchy-SRBs/page22?p=1070257#post1070257
Had a thought about another structura…
If you use Trusses to move the Hypercube from one space to another and the space it left is empty, it stops working. if you move it back or if you place a block where it left it works again.
The new client only runs for a couple of minutes, after which it silently crashes. The icon is then still visible in the system tray, but once you move your mouse over it, it disappears.
This has bee…
If you have a sloped part or a wedge, a Humanoid can still walk up it even when it's CanCollide property is false.
Sticky nodes are needed for the simulation of constraints that pull facets at some point within their interior. In particular, the constraint specification is going to be done in the following way: