root~# which trzsz
root~# which trzsz-iterm2
/usr/bin/which: no trzsz-iterm2 in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin)
root~# trz
po wygenerowaniu danych przestrzennych do pliku gml, nie przechodzi on walidacji na stronie https://www.gov.pl/web/gov/sprawdz-poprawnosc-danych-przestrzennych-oraz-metadanych#l
gml wykonany we wty…
While playing the game for a bit, when I returned to the Dome Room to finish up there the rope was gone. I figured that the thief had taken it, and spent some time looking for it. I finally resigned t…
We are actively using the database-library across multiple projects within our company. It's been working flawlessly. We recently had one project's DB switch over to using SSL/TSL encryption. Does th…
Something seems off with the Type 340 scaling. When the scale register is set to 01, the simulator uses scale factor 2. However some ITS software seem to disagree with this:
1. TCTYP expects the …
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version = "7.2.2"
The IAM role seems to have policies for SSM access but I can't connect. And then SSH key pairs aren't allowed anymore so I can't debug the startup. Anyways the real problem is the…
Please help me!
I need a stock screener to scan stocks listed in KSE-100 index and return me only those stocks in which 6EMA line has crossed above 18EMA line recently (within a period of 7 days…