Boa tarde,
Conforme conversado na última reunião técnica, precisamos gerar dados consolidados para que a ESRI possa disponibilizar nas suas plataformas e, eventualmente, no editor RapID para a comu…
Once on Friday 15th and again just now, I've managed to lock SHINE up by performing an advanced search, then filtering for a crawl year, and then adding a second crawl year (so far so good). The probl…
Current UI was made in one evening by a backend developer. It is just works, but ugly and may have better UX.
It seems timezone issues are causing the test failures in Travis, see https://travis-ci.org/openplanets/Arc-unpacker/jobs/21745016
An example: Failed tests: testNextKeyValue(eu.scape_project.arcunp…
Definition: WAT (Web Archive Transformation) is a “profile” of WARC format intended to store web archive metadata, notably for data mining processes (seehttps://webarchive.jira.com/wiki/display/Iresea…
wayback_machine_downloader www.gylymordasy.kz
Downloading www.gylymordasy.kz to websites/www.gylymordasy.kz/ from Wayback Machine archives.
Getting snapshot pagesTraceback (most recent call last):…
Would you have an example of the file http://www.samoasky.com/optionsoracle_config.xml that the system tries to download when it opens ?
## Describe the bug
Certain URLs appear in the search results but cannot be replayed, it says the URL is not found when it was just shown in the search results
## Steps to reproduce the bug
I've …
I hit an OOM when I run the following query:
n_name, sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue
customer c join
( select n_name, l_extendedprice, l_discount, s_nationk…
For archiving crawlers