Several options in the VM's Advanced view are cryptic if you don't know exactly how XenServer or XCP-ng work.
It would be a huge usability improvement to add a way to get a short description for ea…
I just create a xva file from a xenserver 6.2 untared it and execute:
python2 xenmigrate_new.py -c Ref\:32/ test.img
Bit I get the error message:
xenmigrate 0.7.4 -- 2011.09.13
We have a XenServer 6.5 pool with 7 hosts that I want to upgrade to XCP-ng. All VMs are on shared storage (NFS).
I've migrated VMs away from two of the hosts so that I have two hosts to play with f…
using xenserver - this is found in the compute log:
2011-04-07 20:50:07,213 WARNING nova.compute.manager [-] Found VM not in DB: 'compute'. Ignoring
probably want the domU to be ignored entirely. It…
I am new to terraform and xen server so forgive me if this is a noob question. I would like to use terraform and xen server to create a new VM with two separate disks - one for the OS/Application and…
Trying to use this on a pool, and it works fine on the pool master but when trying to check pool slaves I get the following stack trace:
( is the pool master)
Dec 3 14:26:56 inf-ccpr1-cc…
I would like to "Delete" oder "Revert To" it.
Taking Snapshot works.
In the #7 (examples/ubuntu/ubuntu-2004.pkr.hcl)
the boot command types the autoinstall config twice.
boot_command = [
" autoinstall ds=nocloud-net;s=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }…
The Readme states that migration is supported. Trying to do that in XenServer 7.1 with Ceph jewel is not working.
XenCenter reports: You attempted to migrate a VDI to or from an SR that doesn't suppo…
nice project guys. I followed XO and Kickstarter since born.
I want suggest a feature in XCP-NG:
- easier way to manage "*multiwrite*" vdi (e.g. like vSphere did).
Ref. http://www.ha-guru…