Can I use 68 landmarks instead of 5 landmarks?
which face areas do you required to form a face like ears, hair face, mouth (lower or upper or both lips) and what else
Thanks for your work!
I didn't find the code for, as said in your paper, using Nonlinear 3DMM to unwarp face images for alignment?
when I export a kv6 to obj there's no colors. is there any way to keep the colors ?
### Version 2.2.0
Asking for a alignment feature so when placing many objects you can select several, then have them alight (Left, Top, Right, Bottom) to last one selected.
You could also add a …
It seems the result on new sim method is really good on your demo page, could you please share it? thank you
Hello! Thank you very much for sharing your research.
I am currently using your model to train a dataset of both 3DCariShop and regular 3D heads generated from CelebA. Both types of head models ha…
It would be very helpful to have the following features:
When you create multiple support enforcers or support blockers for a model, it would great if they can be group together so that a) they can…
Yet I am working on project with dlib 68 face landmarks.dat file. But in many testing results seems very unstable. After some research I found dataset file.
Here are some source where its very st…