# Description
The DB _sometimes_ randomly returns "no documents" when using `$elemMatch` in the match.
## Setup
Share link: https://mongoplayground.net/p/AylVo0AlDWF
### Database type
I have use `pgAdmin` GUI to test embedded update by `mongo_fdw`
Tested Documents
collection: warehouse
_id: ObjectId("61d7ad616372f5550c92ac4b"),
elements: ["a", "b"]
I have the following query
`myModel.findOneAndUpdate({_id: ID},{$push: {myField: myData}},{$new: true})`
But `pre findOneAndUpdate` not work and error occur in its integration with schema:
Issue has cropped up this morning and is even occurring on files that it had previously analyzed successfully. Fresh build of 2.0.3
Trace is here - what can I upload to assist?
`2017-05-23 12:20…
After completing a sweep action (`do_sweep`), there is an attempt to add the cloud into mongo, resulting in a couple of error messages:
[ INFO] [1479114795.523293…
Starting with .NET 5.0, this is explicitly deprecated (there is a compiler warning). Given the track record elsewhere, there is no way an outsider can rule out an intentional removal as early as .NET…
I want to remove all these field below from certain record :
- membership_active_time (integer)
- membership_renewal_time (date)
- membership_start_date (date)
- membership_type (text)
- metadata…
### 概念:
- **`documents`**: 数据存储单位, 以 [BSON](http://bsonspec.org/) ( https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/bson-types/ ) 方式存储数据.([why bson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSON#Efficiency))
- **`co…
I've been going around in circles a bit trying to understand if this library can be used to speed up decoding an aggregation query.
Or whether after recent pymongo updates its needed at all.
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.KeyedStream;…