Btw letting you know this won’t be accepted to the mod helper browser cause it is a cheat mod
Sorry but I am a idiot, what file do you put inside the mod file of BTD6? I am also just figuring out github it is very confusing.
The error is the following
[UnlockDoubleCash] System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Assets.Scripts.Unity.UI_New.Main.MainMenu' from assembly 'Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutra…
when i trying to run epic games version of btd6 its just dont work. Loading is starting but it just crashes. How to fix?
I have the latest version of the microsoft thing, melonloader and modhelper, but the button for mods still isn't showing up, can someone please help me?
title, for whatever reason snipers are not placed; making the script get stuck on this map during collection events. It looks like the round is somehow mistakenly offset by 10 rounds, as a 0-2-2 snipe…
the terminal is on my second screen, and the game on full screen on my main
what can i do to fix that ?
`[00:24:09.291] [BloonsTD6_Mod_Helper] Successfully downloaded template from https://github.com/doombubbles/btd6-template-mod/archive/refs/heads/main.zip
[00:24:09.294] [BloonsTD6_Mod_Helper] System.…
# **Disclaimer:**
(to codeshaunted) This is not an issue, more like a guide to whoever want to do something similar in the future. Doing this since there's not "wiki" section to this repo.
(to every…
I don't know what's wrong exactly I followed all the steps on melon loader