hello, thank you for the code provided. Now I meet a problem. It shows Can not open file DeepTextSpotter-Master/models/tiny.caffemodel when I compile it in PyCharm. Is there anything wrong?
Hi, when trying to compile MobileNet (see prototxt in the attached), I get the error shown below. Has anyone tried compiling it? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
nvdla_compiler --prot…
python convert.py imagenet_resnet_v1_50.prototxt --caffemodel imagenet_resnet_v1_50.caffemodel --data-output-path imagenet_resnet_v1_50.npy --
code-output-path imagenet_resnet_v1_50.py
执行命令后报crop …
when I run this command
th prepro_img_vgg.lua -input_json ../data/cocoqa_data_prepro.json -image_root /home/jiasenlu/data/ -cnn_proto ../image_model/VGG_ILSVRC_19_layers_deploy.prototxt -cnn_m…
Now there is Yolo v2 by link: http://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/
And old Yolo v1 is here: http://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolov1/
Can the caffe-yolo convert yolo's version 2 (.weights) files to caffemode…
First thanks for your supply. Here's some question I want to ask.
Sorry,I would like to know could this code only support yolov4-608 model?
And I want to know where did you find the caffemodel of …
When trying to convert a Torch7 model to a caffemodel format, I get the following error:
ubuntu@ip-Address:~/fb-caffe-exts$ th torch2caffe/torch2caffe.lua --input densecap-pretrained-vgg16.t7 …
I have just evaluated your 20-layer CNN architecture caffemodel in Megaface.
The results are below:
Rank-1 Identification Accuracy with 1 Million Distractors, Set1 (FaceScrub )
77.6892% (75…
hi,I am trying to convert a model trained by mxnet into caffemodel,however after i get the caffemodel file,and tring to test the model on caffe framework,the error occurs:check failed:target_blobs.siz…
77h2l updated
5 years ago
I have trained a model at some iterations and I got `deploy.prototxt` and `.caffemodel`.
I changed the paths within `.ipynb` file with `deply.prototxt` and `.caffemodel` and image file pa…