Quando si crea un SP attraverso il backoffice, WSO2 genera questo errore:
[2017-09-24 21:19:19,119] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.security.keystore.KeyStoreAdmin} - Could not parse certificate: java…
using email as username
deployed pattern - 2 in kubernetes (Azure AKS), everything seems to be fine but when tried to generate keys for a new application, I am getting the following exception. I se…
- Configure the IoT server with IP as described at [1]
- Start all 3 core, analytics and broker components
- OS (Tested on Windows 10, Windows 2012 R2)
1. Goto [$HOME/samples/mo…
1. Configure the Oracle12C database as described here [1]
2. Start broker, core, analytics in that particular order
3. Enroll an android device and observe server logs
Expected Results:-
- No ex…
### Description
When we use application throttling policies with same name across multiple tenants, we cannot delete the same throttle policy on a specific tenant if the throttle policy is already us…
### Description:
When testing the response caching mechanism through the integrated try out console in the developer portal using **Google Chrome browser** or using **curl command through the termina…
### Description:
The following error and the stacktrace can be observed when creating an API with a user having a long username.
The username in this case takes the format of `userstore/user@tenan…
### Description:
Using apim integrated with is-as-km, following the documentation in
I have tried to install "Hello world" from _**https://github.com/wso2/msf4j/tree/master/samples/helloworld**_ in wso2ei, but the server return to me the following execption cause missing the Manifest …
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: No trusted certificate found
at sun.security.ssl.Alerts.getSSLException(Alerts.java:192)
at sun.securi…