Quoting from the mailing list:
I meet a problem when running batch layer.
I write a batch layer LRScalaUpdate with scala extends MLUpdate, override buildModel() and evaluate() metho…
Exit-test: Install CM : Started
In this [Cloudera Director forum post](http://community.cloudera.com/t5/Cloudera-Director-Cloud-based/Cloudera-Director-2-0-Specify-GCP-subnet-in-template-definition/m-p/38523#U38523), a user reported…
// HBaseSerde util
public static HBaseSerde getSerde(Config config) {
HBaseSerde serde;
if (config.hasPath(SERDE_PROPERTY)) {
HBASE API Lab Readme.md should include an instruction to set JAVA_HOME before running 'mvn clean package'.
WIth CDH 6, JAVA_HOME is in /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle-cloudera
I try a very simple setup :
``` ruby
# ClouderaManager node
node /^cm\d+.vagrant.dev$/ {
class { 'cloudera':
cm_server_host => $::hostname,
install_cmserver => true,
And the …
The cluster name should be broken out as a variable, as this HUE install script fails, if the cluster is not named
Cluster 1 - CDH4
In [integrate-cloudera-search.yml](https://github.com/ymc-…