I am a Master's student at the Department of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich. I am currently conducting research on disinformation detection, and I have found your Google Chrome…
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A content ERROR was logged by "Philipp Hofmann" at the following url:
## The issue as described by the user:
因为 task-specific data 有限,难蒸馏出好 student model,所以用 mixup 增强数据,teacher 对插值的输入预测,student 学习该预测结果(loss_3,带调节系数超参),直接学插值输入对应的插值标签(loss_2,带调节系数超参),学习原始数据(loss_1,无系数)。提供了一些理论证明,在GLUE上做了实验有效。
Literature review papers/implementations of tree transducers for expression tree optimization.
- Make a state transition table type for storing expression tree transducers. The table captures:
Currently, when a `note` in an entry has LaTeX formatting (this seems to an unchangeable option from BetterBiBTeX via Zotero), it gets parsed as HTML when importing into LogSeq.
This note from my Z…
We need additional expertise to assist with a number of issues that could benefit from NLP/Entity recognition. Our goal is to identify and create more meaningful relationships in currently unconnected…
Jiros updated
3 years ago
I will be building on psycholinguistic analysis from the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology:
## 0. Paper
title = "Exploring Vector Spaces for Semantic Relations",
author = {G{\'a}bor, Kata and
Zargayouna, Ha{\"\i}fa and
a1da4 updated
4 years ago