lm siunn tsē
tsi̍t ê train, tsí-tīng ài sánn test
I trained a model using darknet yolov4 and wanted to infer using opencv. Cloned opencv repo, checked out to branch 3.4 and built from source(along with contrib).
opencv version was updated t…
Use the same speech data to implement the Deep Neural Based model, so that we can compare the performance of both systems
For those who does not have a Nvidia GPU, but only Intel CPU and GPU, MKL and MKL_DNN with greatly boost up performance. As far as I know, darknet already support MKL. Is there any plan to support MKL…
Once DNN training is complete, we should begin our inference on the same fields as analyzed by the XGB algorithm to compare the results from each. The comparison may identify areas of improvement for …
The DNN 8.0.0 CTP 6 includes updates to the CDF that this extension plugs into. Unfortunately, the update to CDF includes a breaking change which means that there needs to be a different install for …
I have an issue regarding running a training code using CASIA-WebFace Dataset where It always gives me an error as follows:
```2024-01-17 15:41:15.073332: E tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_dnn…
a bug that FAILED: ReadProtoFromTextFile(param_file, param). Failed to parse NetParameter file: ./checkpoint/deploy.prototxt in function 'cv::dnn::ReadNetParamsFromTextFileOrDie',Any good suggestions?