前兩天還是可以進入webui畫面 (雖然測試時,在翻譯時已出現error),但今天再嘗試時,已給這"translators" 禁止進入了..
(linly_dubbing) D:\Linly-Dubbing>python webui.py
### 扩展版本号 extension version
### 浏览器
Google Chrome
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### 请详细描述问题
Youtube video won't have any catch.
Wonder if this is a bug?
Nowhere on the Home Page or Pricing page is it indicated what language the Coqui Studio voices speak in. This should be presented to potential customers.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\AI\Linly-Dubbing\Linly-Dubbing\tools\do_everything.py", line 55, in process_video
generate_all_wavs_under_folder(folder, method = tts_method, targe…
The code base for Chaplin is overgrown and needs some pruning. It makes it very hard to bring on a new team member to a project because of how complicated it is.
I'd like to discuss paring down on so…
正在运行Python脚本 webui.py
C:\Users\xueyou\anaconda3\envs\linly_dubbing\lib\site-packages\pyannote\audio\core\io.py:43: UserWarning: torchaudio._backend.set_audio_backend has been deprec…
At the meantime, BaldPhone only has a few video tutorials, all of them in Hebrew.
BaldPhone supports showing to different locales different videos, and only needs those videos.
I'll create video tut…
这两行, 是避免后一句overlap 前一句吗?
next_start = next_line['start']
end = min(start + length, next_sta…
根据使用指南操作,前面都没有问题,最后运行python webui.py报错:“(linly_dubbing) D:\Linly-Dubbing>python webui.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Linly-Dubbing\webui.py", line 3, in
from tools.step010_de…
Overall it works well, thank you for Pandrator!
I have a video with .srt subtitles and am using Pandrator (XTTS) to dub it.
Except that the audio goes gradually out of sync compared to the subtitl…