What does response_types_supported vp_token and vp_formats_supported mean in the context of the Authorisation Server?
Shouldn't response_types_supported include code?
pa-rw updated
2 months ago
```func issueDoc(qrCode: String) async{
if let wallet = try? EudiWallet(openID4VciIssuerUrl: "https://eudi.netcompany-intrasoft.com/pid-issuer", openID4VciConfig: .init(clientId: "wallet-dev", au…
Privacy has not started to be taken into account in the ARF 1.4. The minimum would be to include the two following properties as mandatory objectives of the architecture:
1. Full unlinkability
2. Ev…
The usage of a Key Binding JWT (KB-JWT) is a key element as it needs to be tied to a specific SD-JWT when its payload includes a hash of the SD-JWT in its sd_hash claim.
At the same time it needs…
The actual text states:
Step 2 (PoP verification): The Credential Issuer verifies the signature of the PoP using the the confirmation method that was attested in the issued Digital Credential. If t…
As mentioned on the EUDI Wallet Reference Implementation webinar hosted by the Open Wallet Foundation, there was a question regarding whether or not the implementation is planned to add libraries enab…
I installed the EUDIW ISSUER app locally and made sure it also ran over HTTPS.
Of course, I followed the whole configuration:
I cloned the project and built it up with docker compose, and after reading [the configuration specifications](https://github.com/eu-digital-identity-wallet/eudi-srv-pid-issuer?tab=readme-ov-file#conf…
@fmarino-ipzs we should not re-define stuffs already defined in the defined terms section.
@m-basili ^
_Originally posted by @peppelinux in https://github.com/italia/eudi-wallet-it…
Realistically the wallet (=holder's mobile application) scenario will be very fragmented, with some wallet vendors having an unfair competitive advantage (e.g. Intrasoft's EUDI-ARF reference implement…