Mettre en anglais les commentaires et les variables qui trainne
Chrome 扩展,用于查找当前页面文章的对应中文翻译,提供多个源(开源中国,译言,Google自动翻译),并提供新浪徽博分享,快速将当前页面文章提交到翻译平台的功能。
Add basic elements with figma.com. Please try to use those instead of adding more code.
ETA : Saturday Night
I'd like to see a recipe for CherryPy that presents an Oauth2 consumer, an app that when configured with the proper keys, can use a service like Google or Twitter or any other Oauth2 provider to authe…
## 活动人员、内容
- [x] 活动时间:2016年09月11日
- [x] 活动地点: 生物纳米园C2 101 猿生态DevEco
- [x] 组织者: @aaashun @William-Sang @@coder-zhuyu
- [x] 内容方向: 入门,安装配置即可展示OR优秀特性
- [x] 讲师确定: , @Gerrard-YNWA
- [x] 提纲提交时间: 2016年…
Since the GDG college site currently has multiple pages but no external data source, we need a temporary solution to display content. To address this, we will implement a JSON server to act as a tempo…
Hey folks - there are some questions on Launch facebook group in Vietnamese. I think they are questions anyway. Check them out at https://www.facebook.com/groups/launchpad/search/?query=code%20club
Display logos for Google and GDGX partners.