In ARROW-16607 there are some changes to metadata handling in the `arrow_dplyr_query`. With extension type support, more column types (like sf::sfc) can be supported, and with growing support for colu…
should be `geoarrow.rust.compute.enums` instead.
Also check for any other incorrect links. We should be ensuring that there are no w…
Overall this is fairly straightforward - replicate the set of fixes, additional structs (ContentRange) and some of the error-reporting states.
There is, however, one important deviation when runnin…
We should flesh out the Python documentation. We _could_ use readthedocs, but I'd personally recommend **mkdocs-material** deployed as Github Pages to https://developmentseed.github.io/cql2-rs, with t…
Example I was trying:
In [17]: gs = GeoSeries.from_wkt([
...: "POLYGON ((1 0, 1 1, 0 1, 0 0, 1 0))",
...: "POLYGON ((4 2, 4 4, 2 4, 2 2, 4 2))"
...: ])
In [18]: geoar…
While pandas has no issue with MultiIndex being used for columns when saving to Parquet, GeoPandas complains.
In [1]: import geopandas as gpd
...: import shapely
In [2]: gdf = gpd.Geo…
Relates to #50
Kepler.gl offers some powerful front-end features to visualise our spatial data.
@fils has prepared a GeoJSON export…
Testing out 0.5.0
from pyogrio.raw import read_arrow
metadata, table = read_arrow('nationalpark.geojson')
# {'crs': 'EPSG:4326',
# 'encoding': 'UTF-8',
# 'fields': array(['OB…