Il will be appreciate to have an option that let choose to log only the errors
```--only_err true (default) | false```
@chayim I've bumped into some issues that got resolved after doing the following changes
## installation extra steps
- changed ppa:timescale/timescaledb-ppa to ppa:timescale/timescaledb-ppa2
- …
Since #127 we now have a bizarre UX that we must correct.
I you search with the "escape button method" -> it opens the owner list window. ok no pb.
Then you choose one owner but the dropdown lis…
on console/account/userdetails, in the right pane a map is displayed with the org area, displaying the geojson from areasUrl. The items present in the org area are then highlighted in the map.
on m…
As an optional step... maybe in https://github.com/georchestra/georchestra/blob/master/doc/setup.md ?
Two options:
- manual reloading
- automatic reloading,
- either via monit / cron watching for…
Delegation in console for user with a login that contains a point don't works.
At GeoBretagne we think that's is a problem for identity federation : it's possible that login from other source conta…
Adding several tabs by selection => selection 1 | selection 2
Adding several tabs by …
Even though https://github.com/georchestra/datadir/blob/37e0bcb0be2b9b3b8d372f2939e010b393f20f99/console/console.properties#L142-L145 says that org & orgType are mandatory (by default), the console do…
See https://docs.geoserver.org/main/en/user/security/webadmin/csrf.html
A plugin use an external API (stoplight.io) but return `GET - 403` error with these type of URL :
As ex…