recently updated gradle to 8.6, running on emulator works fine. but fail when try to gradlew app:assembleRelease, attached with error below. Please help.
* What went wrong:
Some p…
As shown in the question, on GItHub, several links in the build.gradle of 1.12.2TOP are invalid, which is inconvenient for those interested to study. We hope to be able to complete them again
I believe this is essentially the gradle counterpart for #107.
It'd be great if the plugin can honor the existing checkstyle settings in the project gradle build files, at the minimal the checkstyl…
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Config Migration Needed
- […
* Installation
* Generic
When trying to build from sources on Mac, the build fails with:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.thingsboard:gradle-maven-plugin…
## Description
I am trying to convert a Huggingface model to make it compatible with DJL.
My goal is to use `djl-convert` to convert the model and be able to load it locally.
Then I want to generat…
build.gradle에 추가
implementation group: 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core', name: 'jackson-databind', version: '2.9.4'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-start…
cant build .Could not find method implement() for arguments [io.nlopez.smartlocation:library:3.3.3, build_cjsdf60uiqdsilfbedo88pioq$_run_closure3$_closure10@6ff36513] on object of type org.gradle.api.…
**[URL of codelab](https://developer.android.com/codelabs/basic-android-kotlin-compose-sql#2)**
**In which task and step of the codelab can this issue be found?**
**Describe the problem**
**Describe the bug**
Occasionally my `gradlew dokkaHtmlMultiModule` CI job hangs indefinitely.
Usually the task completes in just over two hours. When it hangs, I've let it run for 12+ hours befor…