# Github Actions로 Hugo 배포하기 - Burt.K
## overivew
was chatting with @SaraDPH about content design and our blogs. i think it would be good to document what folks should keep in mind when writing blogs, e.g, if a video is included it shoul…
When going to `wp-admin/export.php?type=hugo` and after a while.. I think the export is done?...
But your plugin will show an error message on the screen:
Could not created /var/www/blog…
hugo version
hugo v0.114.1-e9b716ad9869b79e7c374bbdae4daf5ee6406bd4+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=2023-06-23T11:02:58Z VendorInfo=snap:0.114.1
node -v
🛠️ Development
# Steps | Yezhangyinge's blog
hugo new posts/file_name.md hugo cd public git add . git commit -m “update” git push origin master hugo cd public git add . git commit -m “update” git push origin master…
# 开始使用hugo写博客 | Stormwy's Blog
# Jekyll 블로그에서 Hugo 블로그로 이전 후기 - DS Lab
# 从 WordPress 迁到 Hugo - Palfans's BLOG
起因 说起来,都不记得这是第几次折腾 Blog 的服务器了。当初为了提高从国内访问的速度,我把搭梯子的 VPS 放在了香港的数据中心,顺便把 Blog 也放在同一台服务器以求节约成本。转眼自己肉翻这么多年,再也没有机会用那把梯子。但从美国家里访问 Blog 就慢得不能忍受,而且因为 VPS 性
# 基于HUGO搭建个人静态博客 - 个人学习笔记
1. I use the table of content plugin in logseq.
Let me think that is possible to **put the plugin function into the hugosite.**
2. On the other hand,the hugo site has some function that is si…