Hi Warren,
Hope you remember me (https://github.com/warren-bank/browser-ytdl-core/issues/1#issue-2580249130), I am a rookie with browser scripts and would love if you can get me the following done …
I would very much like to remove the pygame dependency. Rendering graphics natively is nice, but the dependencies surrounding pygame are a major pain point. I think it's the main reason folks have tro…
## Bug report
### Describe the bug
Attempting to start some multicast streams crashes Kodi instantly, others work fine.
- when ffmpegdirect Addon is installed, Kodi doesn't crash and only shows e…
Hey there,
UHD HDR Anime content is starting to show up. Now fansubbers might start doing custom subtitles for HDR content. If we don't mark such subtitles as being made for HDR, video renderers wi…
Set up PiKaraoke 1.2 as per the instructions in the readme with no issues or problems. Running headless, can connect via browser link, it sees the sample songs I uploaded to the local folder and adds…
在很早之前的版本是没有问题的。 自从某次升级之后(记不清是哪次升级了),录音之后就看不到自己的录音文件了。就像完全没有录音一样。 自己试了把软件删掉重装也没有用。
Hi, I wonder if you are going to support VR Architecture models like HP5 as well. Thanks!
### Suggestion
Specify in the Ultrastar format specification whether files should use Unix (LF, \n) or Windows (CRLF, \r\n) line endings.
### Use case
The Ultrastar format specification does not sp…
## Request for Mozilla Position on an Emerging Web Specification
* Specification Title: WebMIDI
* Specification or proposal URL: https://webaudio.github.io/web-midi-api/
* Caniuse.com URL (option…
qdot updated
2 months ago