I installed pdflatex(texlive) on centos 7. But I still get the error.
No LaTex compiler was found
Either specify a LaTex compiler or make sure you have latexmk or pdfLaTex installed.
First, I got an error message similar to that on [this thread](https://github.com/LaTeX-Box-Team/LaTeX-Box/issues/134). When I tried the solution from that tread of adding `let g:LatexBox_latexmk_asyn…
I ran into some issues installing on Windows 7, all latexmk commands would fail in Vim with no error messages. Running latexmk from a terminal showed that a perl interpreter was not found (perl is not…
你好作者,[cn]会报错“fontspec -xelatex command \liningnums already defined”
xelatex MacTex平台
Fuer alle, die den _PowerShell_ script `kompiliere_mit_Docker.ps1` **zum Kompilieren in _Linux_ Umgebung** ausfuehren moechten, einen kompatiblen shell script erstellen `kompiliere_mit_Docker.sh`:
Issue maybe related to #49
Multiple tests see https://github.com/CTeX-org/ctex-kit/issues/708
in a simple mwe:
\setCJKmainfont{Source Ha…
With current auctex I don't get latexmk to work anymore I find the following lines in my *Messages* buffer:
Starting new Ispell process aspell with german-new8 dictionary...done
apply: Wr…
when i use xelatex to generate pdf file, and it occur bug!
can you help me?
I'm having big issues with Skim on macOS hanging due to `latexmk` writing to the output PDF file multiple times and Skim trying to reload the file before it's done. I just discovered the LaTeXTools o…
Hi @heaths,
I've recently downloaded your extension and when I tried to list the labels I received the following error,
error: cannot find gh; is it installed? error: exec: "gh": executable fil…