I'm getting a Window is not defined on Nuxt 3.8.2 start up. I seen this in older threads and it seems to be because of SSR needing to be disabled. Not sure how to approach this now that plugin files a…
There is *some* information about this here: https://matomo.org/faq/log-analytics-tool/faq_16305/
Also some of it is obvious.
The idea is that if your not using the javascript tracking method and …
in the line below it is assumed that the userinfo endpoint contains an "email" claim. This is not a safe assumption because the email claim does not exist in the userinfo specification.
## Expected Behavior
* "Marketing Campaign Reporting" additional parameters should show the goal conversion in the statistics, even if the visitor does converted the goal with the second vi…
For the traefik builtin ip allow list plugin, they have a [field "strategy"](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/middlewares/http/ipallowlist/#ipstrategy) that picks e.g. which element in an X-Forwaded-For…
Plugins are currently globally activated and thus apply to each website in a single Matomo installation. There are features delivered via Plugins which might not be required or wanted on a single we…
According to this plugin statistics, it seems it is already used on Moodle 4.x instances. It would be great to confirm this brilliant plugin works on Moodle 4.
Hi Team,
Please remove the following:
![Screenshot from 2024-11-11 12-42-54](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/eaefb3eb-29fb-4ac2-8fc2-f3ac88e36f8e)
as people need to use the gtag.js tag…
Reported here: https://github.com/matomo-org/matomo/issues/19318 and also experienced this myself, if the MarketingCAmpaignsReporting plugin was not active from the beginning (but activated later, whi…
The following code results in an event being tracked for every visit to a website or app: https://github.com/kremalicious/gatsby-plugin-matomo/blob/b99a9a6c163b7a6b4bcd977967dffe4ddd3f10c3/src/gatsby-…