Hey guys. We have a crash. Can you help us to fix this ?
Samsung Galaxy Note8
Android 9 (SDK 28)
at andro…
Nice work!
How to save equalized audio in new file?
Thank you.
Heads up: This question is to understand which approach will have better results.
We are facing some issues with French speech recognition (we are using Google AI services). The current proc…
Recording won't record lists and variables. A hunch of mine is because they are outside the canvas but I am wondering if there is a fix.
In the last few days i started to get an error when starting to record
The exception is
ReactVideoRecorderDataAvailableTimeoutError: Method mediaRecorder.ondataavailable wasn't called after 50…
is there any support for Safari < v17 ? atm this recorder only supports webm and this makes it unusable for safari users which are not on the latest > 17 version. could you please make it downwards co…
Canvas に描画された内容は MediaRecorder で記録できる
最大 30秒程度の尺の短い動画ならブラウザでも作成できるはず。
MediaRecorder API で Canvas を録画してみる
babylon.js x ブラウザで VRM モデルを歩かせてみた
While recoding audio using MediaRecorder. not able to create waveform
04-22 11:39:23.624: W/System.err(5181): java.lang.RuntimeException: start
04-22 11:39:23.634: W/System.err(5181): at
android.media.MediaRecorder.native_start(Native Method)
04-22 11:…
04-22 11:39:23.624: W/System.err(5181): java.lang.RuntimeException: start
04-22 11:39:23.634: W/System.err(5181): at
android.media.MediaRecorder.native_start(Native Method)
04-22 11:…