@ChrisRackauckas , below is the code which produces the error that I mentioned here https://discourse.julialang.org/t/mul-float-types-of-a-and-b-must-match-error-in-modelingtoolkit/77485
It uses some…
I get a MethodError (see below) when I run line 46:
optfunc = GalacticOptim.instantiate_function(optf, prob_neuralode.p, adtype, nothing)
in the DiffEqFlux example [Neural Ordinar…
Solving PDEs:
Fourier Neural Operator for Parametric Partial Differential Equations
Neural Operator: Learning Maps Between Function Spaces
Solving ODEs:
Neural Flows: Efficient Alternative to …
Song Y, Ermon S. [Generative modeling by estimating gradients of the data distribution](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1907.05600.pdf).
I have gotten a lot of inquiries about renaming the package to UniversalDiffEq.jl or even SciML.jl, so I wanted to gather the opinions here.
Dear Dr. Lu,
Thanks for the provision of DeepXDE library , which greatly facilitates the use of PINN to solve differential equations!
The way to save and load the model was mentioned in the previous…
meigel 11:46 AM
pls check
Scalable Gaussian Processes with Billions of Inducing Inputs via Tensor Train Decomposition
We propose a …
## Brief
Hello! Im a soon-to-be-high school-graduate who loves Art, Math, physics and Computer science. My experience in each domain is as follows
### Art
Im currently aspiring to be an artist an…
Hello @lululxvi,
Thank you for all the responses you have given up to now. Previously I have sent you my code and the training loss was large, so you suggested using "hard BCs" but I have a problem …
**Submitting author:** @elwinter (Eric Winter)
**Repository:** https://github.com/elwinter/nnde
**Version:** v1.0
**Editor:** @diehlpk
**Reviewer:** @taless474, @hayesall
**Archive:** 10.5281/zenodo.5…