这个项目理念不错,我想看下是否可以自动编译,制作成一个 deb 包,给大家安装。
当一个域名有多个 IP 时,默认选择第一个 IPv4 地址,按回车即可查询。不需要自己再输入 0 或者 1 了。
Still following the B3-1 Tutorial:
There is a small typo here:
While following the B3-I tutorial I found it quite hard to find the correct values. I tried different approaches that involved some kind of signal processing like find peaks but it all did not really …
A webchurch user found problems with this model:
``` scheme
1000 1
(define x (if (flip .5) 1 0))
(if x
(= (gaussian 10 1 10) 10)
(= (gaussian -10 1 10) 10)))…