I'll preface this by saying that it's very possible that I've totally misunderstood how this all works.
As I understand it from reading https://wiki.osdev.org/Serial_Ports#Port_Addresses, it's pos…
DMA (Direct Memory Access) is something we'll need to start thinking about as we want to start implementing more drivers into Panix. This is especially true for things like SCSI, ATA, Soundblaster, et…
I am attempting to follow the edition-3 instructions. I am currently on the [Using the DiskImageBuilder](https://github.com/phil-opp/blog_os/blob/edition-3/blog/content/edition-3/posts/02-booting/inde…
Will this be updated to support the RPi 3 or 4? (I don’t have a 1 or 2)
老师,epos应该怎么加鼠标驱动啊 图形学实验不好做啊。
Been following this series happily, been having fun experimenting and adding new features to the OS.
However, I've run into the issue of File I/O, which I can't find any easy-to-follow info on, mostl…
Tem que ver se fazer testes se aplica e se é legal usar isso no kernel.
E depois fazer os testes usando o cmake, que é uma coisa nova para minha pessoa.
Limine bootloader fails to load the elf file generated.
I get the following errors:
1. On limine latest binary (as of today)
Elf error: Failed to allocate memory ranges
2. On v2.24:
Hello I don't understand,, what does the 0x4000 mean at this line? Where did you get it from?
I cant find source code of [bootldr](https://github.com/dorpxtos/xtos/blob/master/Floppy/bootldr). Could you import it to the repo?